CattleIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Storm A’Brewing

We heard that we were supposed to be getting a very wet storm heading inland from the coast. We didn’t realize that we would be getting wind along with it.

Cows stuck in small field

Over the last two days we recorded a schoosh short of 5 inches of rain. The river is the highest it has been this fall and winter. Wouldn’t you know it, just before the rain started in, the main herd of cows decided they wanted to spend the evening on the other side of the river. During the night, the water rose tremendously and now they are stuck in two small fields where we will have to feed them twice a day on the soppy ground rather than eat out of the clean and relatively dry outdoor feeders. Stupid cows, oops did I say that out loud? Well they are.

While we were listening to the second night of very heavy rain that was now combined with wind, we lost power. A check with our rural Co-Op electric company clued us in that most of the areas from Banks and Gaston all the way to the Coast was out of power. The higher peaks were getting the brunt of the wind, trees were coming down and hitting power lines. At 11pm we were notified that there was no ETA for when we would get electricity back.

high water
Brown river as seen from the county road

Out came the generator and we had backup power for the farm with fences charged and freezers running.

We had firewood deliveries scheduled for early in the morning but opted to push that time later so it would be light out to see dangers such as high water or trees over the road. The county road was so littered with big fir branches it looked like it was carpeted in fuzzy green.

Our first delivery went as expected but when we got halfway over the hill toward St. John’s, a landslide had closed Germantown Road and we had to drive into Portland and onto I-5 in order to get the deliveries accomplished.

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