CattleIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Pesky Is As Pesky Does

elk seen in the back of a long hay field with dog in foregroundThe elk herds have been spending a lot of their time ravaging our hay fields and the young stands of trees on the hill side. I have been spending most early mornings chasing them off of our property. The trusty dogs go with me and my loud Bobby Whistle tends to get them moving but only for short distances. It is a fruitless effort but at least I am enjoying the beautiful sunrises as I tromp about the fields.

The elk like to bunch up when they get to a plateau. They stand there stock still while I whistle, hoot, holler and dance around. I swear they are laughing at me and my antics, they are probably snorting so loud with guffaws that they can’t even hear me.

elk on hillsideYesterday I went the extra step and followed them, slowly pushing the herd farther from the farm. They did keep ahead of me, but just barely as I moved them from one gather spot to another. An hour into the push and I was no farther from our fence line from when I started because the herd made a wide smooth arc nearly back to their place of origin.

It was a win for the elk on this day, tomorrow I will try again.

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One thought on “Pesky Is As Pesky Does

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    We tried chasing elk out of our alfalfa field years ago. They made a game of it circling around us and did more damage than if we had left them alone. I tried using a starter pistol to scare them off. It only made them twitch their ears. Crafty buggers, for sure. Glad you get to see the sunrise, though.

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