Beyond the FarmIn the BarnIn the Woods

Dawns Early Light

Our scheduled firewood delivery had the truck loaded high and tarped secure. We headed off in the pre-dawn hours to arrive at the stores before opening to avoid congestion with shoppers.

Many weeks we have three or more stores on our route, this week we only had two but their orders were large so we were loaded to the max. When we arrived at the first store we found that they had completely sold out of all the stored wood that had stacked up in front of the store. It made for an easy delivery to get out wood stacked in nice and neat before heading to the second store of the day.

At the second store, we arrived just moment before opening for the customers and the crew was busy getting ready. It took quick work to get the bundles off the truck and loaded onto pallets where the crew whisked them away since they had been out of firewood since Sunday and had customers ready to buy as soon as the front door was unlocked for the day.

There will be no time to rest once we get the empty pickup back home for now we have four cribs empty and in need of getting the next round of wood dried off and ready to bundle for next weeks orders.

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