In the GardenIn the Kitchen

Good Reminders

My Mother always used to be the ‘reminder’ of the family. She kept track of holidays, Feast Days, anniversaries, birthdays, doctor appointments, school and work events, even all the daily schedules of us seven kids. Over the years, Mom had reminded me many, many times of things I was supposed to remember on my own but somehow let it get missed in the shuffle of everyday living.

For the last few years, Mom’s job of keeping the angels on schedule has left me to fend for myself on earth to remember important stuff. Luckily the big family has filled in most of the spots for me when I get reminders by way of phone calls, emails, texts and in-person chidings. Aunt Margaret was great at assisting with those dates that seemed to elude me especially when it came to dates having to do with the Saints. We lost dear Aunty earlier this year as she was also needed to keep the angels in line, so I nearly forgot the Feast Of Saint Barbara.

It was very fortuitous that one of my brother’s had remembered Aunt Margaret’s story of the blossoms of St. Barbara and sent me a text to ask the particulars. Since I had written a stories about it in 2018 and 2019, I knew that I could find out the information easily.

In a nutshell, St. Barbara’s Feast Day  is on December 4th. It is said that if cherry stems are cut and set inside in water on her Feast Day, the stems would bloom by Christmas. My brother’s text on the 3rd was a good reminder that I had not even thought about the stems since Aunty is no longer here to do the remembering.

Even though I did not get a story put out for all of you to join in the forcing of blooms for Christmas it is not to late to have cherry blossoms (or apple or plum) to liven up your house by the New Year. Just remember to bring them inside as soon as they cut from the tree, place in water away from windows and drafts and watch to see if the lore works for you.

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6 thoughts on “Good Reminders

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    I remember doing this on your recommendation last year. I’m so glad to hear that St. Barbara will still look down on branches cut a few days late. What my mother was so good at and I relied on her for was the names of wildflowers. Fortunately, as she slowed down as she aged and couldn’t always be with me in the forest, I forced myself to learn most of the names. I always think of her on wildflower walks, a blessing in itself.

    • admin

      I wish I could force myself into the remembering of so many things. Just don’t think I’m cut out for it!

  • Renee Wilson

    Thank you Susan for this reminder. It brought a smile.

    • admin


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