In the Woods

One Bucketful, A Dandy And A Handful

I took a break between the morning and evening chores on Sunday to take a walk in the woods. Of course I had my mushroom bucket with me but I also wanted to check on what our herds of elk have been up to since the main hunting seasons have ended.

Chanterelle poking out from below duff and leaf debris

What I found as I walked through the forest is that the herds have indeed made themselves quite at home tromping and gouging new paths up and down the steep hillside. Where I expected to find mushroom patches, I found many areas chewed up from all their big hoofy prints. I took an extra effort to find undisturbed patches but I was able to fill my mushroom bucket. One of the mushrooms I found was as big around as the bucket itself, it was the biggest one that I have found this season that is still nice and firm all the way around.

The big Chanterelle is nearly as wide as the bucket

I also found some of the delectable and rare hedgehog mushrooms. Earlier in the season I had found a few but they were very tiny with the biggest cap being dime sized. This patch of 6 or 7 mushrooms were about the size a quarter, it is very unusual in this area to find them any bigger.

Hedgehog mushroom

With this successful Sunday, I will have to buckle down and get some bundling done tomorrow.

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