CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Mr Show Off

The yearling bulls out in the bull pen seem to be in a contest, they are vying for my attention.

A couple of them have starting lounging right at the corner of the barn while I am bundling (something I am spending quite a lot of time doing these days). They are very comfortable sprawled out and chewing their cud, I think they are listening to the current book on tape I have been listening to on speakers. It is a who-done-it type book with both the victim and the husband aka supposed perpetrator. The book is keeping me entertained during the bundling sessions, the bulls don’t leave the area until I turn off the speakers or leave the barn.

Another bull stands close to the electric fence with his nose nearly but not quite touching the hot wires. He doesn’t act like he is bracing for an escape or anything, it is just his favorite standing spot.

bull standing on a stumpThen another bull has started standing on some of the old stumps that are scattered around the pasture area. Some of the stumps are several feet high and yet he gets two feet up there to play his version of King Of The Hill except for none of the other bulls are interested in playing. So the lonesome KOTH stands, or rather, poses on top of one stump then another for up to an hour before losing interest or gets hungry.

I keep watching to see what the other bulls will start doing to get me to notice them!

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