Beyond the Farm

The Beauty Shots Keep On Coming

rainbow over log decksI had mentioned that the changeable weather has given us some glorious glimpses of nature in its wonder-filled glory. But thinking back on those colors, the spectral awe, that amazing way we are doled out the magnificence of our world, I do not believe that I took time to enjoy the moments before they disappeared.

Today had been a day that brought dark and ominous clouds one moment, then whipping up gusty winds that would bring forth bright sunshine and gaps of clear blue sky.

Over the course of the day the rainbows were too numerous to count and fleeting at that, but I was able to capture one extremely vibrant arc with a second, lighter version above it. After taking a photo, I took a deep cleansing breath and gave thanks for the beauty that surrounds us even though some of it seems dull and uninspiring at times. This speck in the universe of countless universes is special and we are special because we are here however fleeting that might be.

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One thought on “The Beauty Shots Keep On Coming

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    Beautifully said!

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