Conservation and StewardshipIn the Woods

Stop Or Go By

Had a not-so-near-neighbor, one that goes past the farm a couple times a month, stop in for a social-distance chat the other day. She said she would have stopped several days ago but thought we already had company because she saw a car parked in the driveway so she drove on rather than pulling in.

One her third pass when she realized the car was not a visitor since it had not moved and drove up to the house. I happened to be on the way between barns and saw her, ready to greet the traveler. She mentioned that she had not stopped earlier because she thought we were busy with other folks.

trailer full of kindlingThat’s when I showed her my garage.

It is chock-full of crates, barrels, totes, racks and trailers of kindling. Fans are running and the dehumidifier is going full blast. The firewood project has cleaned me out of dried kindling and the garage has been turned into a kiln for quick curing.

My car gets to reside outside until I have enough kindling to make it through to December or longer.

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