In the Woods

Rain Bringing On New Round

chopping mushrooms for the dehydratorThe last few days have brought moderating temperatures and rain back to the area. Where the Chanterelle mushrooms were few and far between the last several trips into the woods, now are beginning to pop back up again.

My odds of getting a couple of gallon bags full of dried Chanterelles are looking much better now that this second season came along. If the night time temperatures had dropped to the low 20’s, theĀ  frost would freeze the ground deep enough to conclude the season until next fall.

The dehydrator is now full of chopped mushrooms that will be dry in about 12 – 14 hours and I have the next batches already picked to keep the dehydrator running for the next couple of days. That is unless I decide to pickle and can another batch, then I will have to head back into the forest with my trusty bucket and mushroom knife.

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