CattleIn the Barn

Another Four Weaners

pulling stock trailer to barn for loadingMore than a week ago, we clipped four more calves with the green weaner clips to begin the weaning process, then we moved the herd across to the far, far field. This was also the day when the newest calf, Francie, got to take her first steps into and across the river as she followed along with her mom and the rest of the herd.

She was only hesitant a moment at the water edge, but followed along bravely so she was not left behind.

After five days of being nose clipped and grazing in the far, far field, we brought the herd back over the river and moved them into the sorting barn. We guided the four with weaner clips into the stock trailer to make the trip across the bridge and county road where we unloaded them in the show barn. The rest of the herd was turned out into the big pastures while the mothers of the weaned calves continue to dry up their milk supply.

moving herd across the fieldThe four calves are being pampered in the show barn with all the chopped up apples, grain and hay they want. It is hard to believe that two of these critters are the first set of twins we had on the farm this year! Where did the time go?

The newly weaned calves all began using the head gates (stanchions) in the first hour of being in the barn and took to the fresh fruit quickly. They will stay as pen mates in the show barn for all least five days until the bulls get sorted out to begin their stay in the bull pen with the other five yearlings. In the meantime, the pampering has begun for these newly weaned youngsters.

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