Moving Past The Mud
We are nearly back to summer time weather after last weeks wild thunderstorms. But when I say nearly, it means that although the daytime temps are getting in the 80’s, the nighttime temps are cooler than the summer was.
There is a definite hint of fall in the air. The trees that dried out during the hot east wind event don’t look like they will be showing vibrant fall colors this year. Many leaves are just shriveling up and falling off the trees rather than turn the iconic autumn colors.
Reports of salmon in the Nehalem River below Vernonia since the rainfall seemed too early to be true. But this morning as I walked across the bridge heard a tail slap and the dark shape move toward deeper water. Soon we will see the salmon in abundance if the water stays clear rather than the dark inky color that clouds the stream when the alder leaves fall en masse.
In the landing, Mike scraped the mud away before walking the dozer up the hill to get a turn of logs. I could almost see a bit of dust kick up when he moved under the tall firs.
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