CattleIn the Fields

#9 And Francie Calf

Have to do a little update on our newest addition to the herd, Francie. When last I posted about her, it was the day after she was born and we had moved #9 and Francie into the side pasture along the barn. This gave the new mother and baby time to bond with each other without the other cows and calves of the main herd bothering them.

black angus calf in with the other cowsThe two-wire electric solar electric fence was the only thing keeping the main herd out and the new family in, but it worked well. Francie figured out the boundaries quickly, and #9 kept mooing softly to keep her new baby fairly close all day long. Francie found several comfy spots around the fence line where the grass grew tall. She moved to several areas throughout the day, when she was snoozing, it was hard to see her all hunkered down.

By the next day we opened the small pasture up and let #9 and Francie out into the main field. #9 took her new baby down into the 6 acre field where brush along the fence made for a secure resting spot while the new mother grazed and greeted members of the herd at her own pace.

Francie is a happy little calf and loves to run in the field wit her tail up in the air. #9 still doesn’t let her get very far away at any given time.

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