Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Our Own Fruit Circuit

While members of the main herd find their way around pastures to snuffle up any dropped fruit from the various trees scattered around the farm, we humans also go on a fruit circuit run to gather for the bulls in the bull pen and for the cattle in the show barn. We like to enhance their diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables this time of year and with many friends and family willing to get the downed fruit away in an effort to keep the bees under control, it is a win, win situation.

pear tree with lots of fallen fruit

When pulling up to a pear tree today we saw lots of fruit down, what looks like a mess to many people will be a welcome treat for the cows. The pickup bed is filled with apples and pears on this trip since we had to make a stop in at the hardware store.

With three producers nearby, it was easy to fill the truck up while taking care of an errand. Once at home, half the buckets will go out to the show barn while the other half go to the bull barn. They will be doled out at each feeding until we make another run of the fruit circuit.

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