In the GardenIn the KitchenRecipes

Moving Indoors

We have moved indoors for many activities while we wait for Mother Nature to clean out some of the heavy, lingering smoke in the atmosphere. Quality indexes are showing Portland as having the worse air in the United States right now. Last week the forecast had called for possible rain Monday through Friday, so far we have only had a smattering of drops amounting to 1/100th of an inch tallied on Tuesday morning and  barely another 1/100th of an inch on Wednesday morning. These dribbles are not enough to scour out the smoke but it is making going outside a little more comfortable. It appears that this thick air will remain hanging around for the rest of the week.

brownies with macaroon filling ready for oven
Baa-Roones ready for oven

The house is remaining chilly since the weather has turned cooler, but I am bound and determined not to turn on any heat until we absolutely have to. Since I am indoors more I am doing those things that heat up the house, yesterday I had a load of plums in the dehydrator. I usually have the unit out in the garage so it doesn’t add heat to the house but now moved it inside.

Monkey Bread dough ready for oven
Monkey Bread dough ready for oven

I made some applesauce and cooked some plums for sauce, then moved on to baking. Monkey Bread (basically cinnamon rolls that are dough formed into balls and rolled in cinnamon sugar mixture) was suggested so I mixed up a batch of bread dough to be baked first thing in the morning for breakfast. In the morning while waiting for the oven to heat up, I mixed up a batch of my special brownies we call Baa-Roones, a mixture of fudgy brownies with a center of macaroon (coconut). Both the Monkey Bread and the Baa-Roones freeze well so we are not overwhelmed with treats.

baked goods
Finished product

I’m contemplating making zucchini bread for my next round of warming up the house. Zucchini bread also freezes well and makes wonderful hostess gifts throughout the winter months if baked in smaller sized loaf pans.

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2 thoughts on “Moving Indoors

  • Renee

    Those look yummy!

    • admin

      Let me know when you are in the area!

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