CattleIn the Fields

Pasture Exposure

cow eating a slab of hay in field
#9 comfortably eating hay in the field

The term pasture exposure is used to explain the difference between having a bull impregnate a cow or having it done by artificial insemination. 99.99% of the time we use pasture exposure because doing it the other way would mean having to catch the one to be bred at the proper time and the need to have said animal close to buildings or catch chutes to hold them while the procedure takes place. Letting the herd sire take care of business is a lot less hassle, but it also comes with a degree of the unknown.

Our current herd sire, Prowler, is a sneaky one. He rarely lets us know what he is up to and believe he uses the dark of night to service the females, which brings us to the current month (so far) of watching #9 for signs of impending motherhood.

We have not observed #9 have her monthly periods all summer long and made a few guesses about when Prowler had managed to get her pregnant. A month ago we noticed her belly getting rounder and her bag filling out. Her tailhead has rounded slightly and her back end is softening. Everyday we think that it could be anytime in the next week or so that she will calve.

This morning we say the same thing, that it looks like she will calve in the next week or so. Until labor begins, we will wait because Prowler is not giving away any of his secrets and neither is #9.

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