In the Woods

By Leaps

Things happen in big ways when Mike gets into a project.

Logs ready to be stacked on deckHe has decided he wants the logs that are stacked up in the forest at the top of the hill need to get made into log decks. When he takes the bulldozer up the hill he attaches the cables around several logs at a time with each of the five chokers. He can snag up to thirty small logs at a time if he has a good spot of stacked logs in the forest.

Dragging the logs around several corners and down the hill puts some of the logs at risk for getting away by slipping out of their chokers. I come along after the dozer with the Gator and a couple of chains to tether the wayward logs and drag them down to be back with the others.

Using the dozer to deck up the logs that had just come off the hill

Once in the landing, Mike unhooks the chokers from his logs and I take off the chains of the few I brought down. He then uses the dozer to pile the logs up into their deck. Already it is hard to see where I had worked so hard to clean up the last deck. There are still many more turns of logs left to bring down out of the woods. This deck may get too big and another area may need to get set for the next deck before we have the woods cleaned up for this year.

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One thought on “By Leaps

  • Bonnie and Bob Shumaker

    Hope there is enough space to store the bundles of firewood you make when you whittle down this now even bigger deck.

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