In the Barn

A Week Off

It has been a busy summer and the loads of firewood have been going out nearly every week with sometimes having two loads in a week. It has been keeping up busy trying to keep up.

But this week was a break from the norm and we did not have a delivery scheduled. We have spent the time that we would have been wrapping, loading and delivering in a productive way by starting to get the dry firewood stacked into the barn to be used during the winter months.

wood stacked in the barnWe had to separate the stack of hay bales from the wood so we used a tarp as a curtain to keep the two segregated. Then Mike moved cribs filled with dry wood along the wall and I started stacking more wood along the cribs to be safely contained in their area. We also began moving seasoned hardwood into another area so we will have premium bundles available.

So far we have about four cord of wood all stacked up with the plan on at least four more cord in this area plus five cord will be put into the Big Red Beast after she is done with her rock hauling fall job. After being filled with wood the Big Red Beast will be covered and stored in another barn until needed for the firewood project. We are hoping our stacks in the bull barn will last until December before we have to break into the truck.

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