In the Woods

Between Loads

Last week I shared a story about wanting a couple of hours to work through the log deck. The couple of hours turned into a couple of days, and now is in its second week. Mike keeps sneaking in logs every once and a while when my back is turned. Sometimes he does it right in front of me.

Both he and I want this log deck gone. It has been stacked up in the landing for over a year, the logs are well-seasoned and dry. But every time I make a little headway on the pile, more dry logs come off the hillside when he brings his logs down out of the woods.

We finally had a heart to heart talk and Mike agreed to let me get the rest of these logs cleaned up before he brings more off the hill to start the deck back up for the wintertime cutting.

log deck with splitter and gatorIt feels like I finally have a break, and will be able to get this small area cleaned up. The weather is not cooperating as much as I would like for the hot, dry weather is causing me to quit early each day and spend time fire watching without running either the saw or the splitter. I am taking the fire watch time to load what I had split in the morning but by that time the temps are making for a slow go.

Moderating temperatures are scheduled for the upcoming week and I am determined to get this pile gone. Take a quick look before its gone.

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One thought on “Between Loads

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    I thought fire watch was a time for sitting and reading a book or just contemplating. Be sure to have your back to the log pile and look out onto areas that don’t need anything done right at the moment.
    Just read about a 3-acre fire (now put out) south of Vernonia. That sounds close to you. Yikes!

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