In the GardenIn the Woods

Torpedoes, Blimps And Get-Aways

Gardeners around the world have different names for those zucchini squash that get too big to use. Depending on size, I name them by what they most resemble or those hidden ones that are found when I thought for sure they were all caught up for a couple of days are called Get-Aways because they got away from me.

I missed National Zucchini Day this year, it was on August 8th. That is the day that you are supposed to grab all those over-sized squash our of your garden and deposit on your neighbors porch. I tend to think of it as a much more fun game than lighting a bag of dog poop on the porch before ringing the doorbell.

tray of shredded zucchiniI didn’t have one over-sized zucchini this year because between eating fresh as stir fry and dehydrating a bunch to use in soups and stews during the winter time, all the squash has been kept at a nice small, tender size. I haven’t had any to feed to the cows either and they love to eat sliced up zucchini!

I guess that I’ll just have to put and extra plant in next year so I can have a little shenanigans come August!

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One thought on “Torpedoes, Blimps And Get-Aways

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    The pigs would be so sad if I didn’t have any Get-Aways. Actually, my zucchini aren’t doing that well because I planted some very industrious kale too close to them crowding their space. Apparently the kale (which I feed to the chickens since I haven’t been able to take a liking to kale) is even more aggressive than the zucchini and the kale is winning. Fortunately, the pigs like the kale too and there is plenty to go around.

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