In the GardenIn the KitchenRecipes

Up Next, Peaches

With all the fantastic fruit available in the u-pick fields around here, I would feel ashamed of myself if I didn’t make sure that I got my share before each harvest is completed. A couple of weeks ago it was blueberries, and already I have heard that the season is finished for those luscious berries. My sister and I had gotten in at the tail end of the harvest of the last variety to ripen for this year.

peaches in bucketsRecently we went after peaches as the local u-pick Bay’s Family Farm. The peaches have not been as plentiful this year, and we had to wait almost a week for the next variety to ripen. Only the Veteran variety are still to ripen with limited availability, and then the peach season will be finished until next year.

From the peaches that I did get, I moved them out of the buckets and onto flat surfaces for them to finish ripening without bruising their neighbors.

peaches Each day I pick through the ones that are soft to the touch and use them for fresh, or slice them to run through the dehydrator, or slice them and individually freeze the slices on cookie sheets for use in pies during the winter. The frozen slices are also a delicious treat on hot days, a bowl full of frozen peaches hits the spot.

The peaches for fresh use are eaten as is with the skin on, but I also like to grill peeled slices or halves with a brush of butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar. They make a wonderful addition to salad, desert or with diced, cooked beets.

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