In the Fields

And Wearing Today’s Fashion

The natives are a little restless in the pasture. Yesterday we ran the youngest calves through the barn and caught them one by one.

We gave them a quick health check, and eartagged the five that had not had tags put in already and we put green weaner clips in the two biggest bulls. The calves are doing great with their band new, bright yellow eartags although some are still shaking their heads in an effort to dislodge the jewelry.

The two bulls that had the weaner clips put in are frustrated because they were expecting  nice warm milk from their mother but the clips keep getting in the way. The two mothers are uncomfortable because they are full of that nice warm milk and the only things that would make it better would be to have their babies nurse, or more time for them to dry up their supple.

cow with hay on her backWith the extra activity it took awhile to get the herd to settle down to their evening meal of hay that we made here on the farm.

One cow, #76, happened to have an itch on her back just as she grabbed a big mouthful of hay. She swung her head around and over her back. With her head, a slab of hay that she just bit down on, flew with the trajectory of her head and settled itself over her back like a blanket.

The blanket of hay must have done the trick keeping bugging flies off her, but once she had eaten all the hay she could find, she again swung her head over her back and started eating her cute looking blanket that made quite the fashion statement.

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cow eating hay she had thrown onto her backAs always, Prime and special codes work with the icon and you do not have to purchase any item that I promote. Please consider using my link when you do your cyber shopping. Thank you for your support