In the Garden

Green Beans Ramping Up

Now that we have had a little time to get back out into the garden, Marilyn has wrangled most of those weeds that took over while we were busy with the hay fields.

The summer squash plants are beginning to supply us with daily zucchini, patty pan and yellow crookneck. The potatoes are at the first stages of dying back and we have harvested a tire or two. The green beans are really starting to ramp up production and beside what we are eating fresh (both right off the bush and stir fried or in recipes for meals) we have begun the process of freezing them for the winter.

green beans cut and trayed on cookie sheetThe freezing process is simple. After picking and rinsing them in a mild salt water bath, I let them dry in a colander. I do not blanch them but try to select beans that are about the same size to cut up into bite sized pieces and spread them out on a cookie sheet before popping them into the freezer. Once frozen solid, the beans go into a freezer bag. It usually takes two full cookie sheets of beans to fill one freezer bag.

By freezing the beans this way, I can open a bag and only take out what is needed for the meal I am preparing just like the frozen products available in the grocery store and the resealable freezer bag can hold the extras safely in the freezer until I need more.

green beans in freezer bagWe appreciate every reader we have and love it when you spread the word aboutĀ SchmidlinAngusFarms, fill out theĀ FOLLOW information so you get each story right to your email each day and/or leave comments about the stories. I would also like to take a moment to thank those who click on the icon to do shopping with the affiliate, (clicking on the affiliate icon does not make you purchase, only gets you the their site) and sometimes I get a small commission from your purchases if you do shop, without a cost to you!

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