In the Garden

Time To Start Up The Dehydrator

With the yellow transparent apple tree starting to drop fruit, it is time to get the dehydrator pulled out of storage and put it to work.

a tray full of apple slicesThe earliest of our apple trees is the transparent variety. It is a very old variety and not many people have even heard of them before. The apples have a very thin skin, are easily bruised and do not keep well. If an apple were to drop off the tree, the bruising would begin immediately and the apple would begin to deteriorate immediately.

I have always said that if your wanted to make a pie out of transparent apples you had to have the oven turned on before you harvest the fruit. Waiting till the next day would give you nothing but bruised, soggy fruit.

They are best eaten right off the tree. But a close second best is dehydrating them to preserve the delicious goodness. The flavor of the yellow transparent dried fruit slices are a wonderful addition to the mix of dried fruit that I make up throughout the summer and into the fall.

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