In the Woods

Not Only In The Forest

mushroom popping up inside the shopI had mentioned that we had puddles about three weeks ago and that I found a handful of Chanterelle mushrooms growing in the forest, a very rare thing to find in July.

Our puddles in the driveway tend to sluice toward the shop and pool around the edges of where we park the Gator at the end of the day. A mushroom decided to pop up right under the front end of the Gator.

With the cool and dark of the shop, the dirt and river rock that constitute the floor begged this mushroom to show up after our puddles had soaked the ground. Judging from the looks of it, the fungi is a common brown field mushroom and the conditions were just right for it to emerge larger than most we see.

When the cap fully opened up it measured over 11 inches in width. With the years of shop grease, fuel and manure tracked in on the tires of vehicles, I did not dare think of harvesting this giant mushroom. I’ll just have to be content with the pictures and keep dreaming of the fall when the non-shop mushrooms show up.


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