In the Woods

Taking A Chance

hay field along a hillsideThe weather is just not breaking into full time summer like a normal year. The forecast changes daily with only one or two days at a time without the chance of precipitation. The chances change hourly from 10% to 60% to thunderstorms with the next hour looking completely different. Mike felt that with the growing concern that the fields would get over-ripe before we could harvest the hay would be poor quality.

On Sunday evening, Mike took a leap of faith and mowed the front half of the big field. With our hay fields tucked in and around the river with undulating topography the field isn’t uniform in the stand of hay. Some is very thick grass, some very thin. Other areas are wetter and stay in the shade most of the day from the hillside on the east and other spots are in the sun most of the day.

hay field mowed into wind rowsMike will not be raking this field around and around like usual, but will pick and chose which area is the closest to being ready and dry enough to bale up in a patchwork of spots. It will be interesting to see the work in progress.

By mowing only this one half of field we reduce the chance of having all the field ruined if the rain does move into the area.

Taking this chance with the weather doesn’t hamper the dogs. They are out scouting the windrows for mice and snakes with every mowed round of the field.

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