In the Fields

Thick And Thin Of The Field

field full of balesThe far, far field is a stretch in many ways. It is the farthermost field from the barns. It is always the hardest to get to with the travel on the county road, the winding path in on logging roads and several gates that need to be opened and closed along the way. It is a constant movement of equipment either up the road or back down the road as the harvest progresses.

wind rows in the hayfieldWe try to time the hay harvest so that we are not blocking or hampering traffic on the road on the weekends since we are one of the main country drives for vintage car caravans, bicycle groups and motorcycle clubs. Some years we are successful in our endeavor to not block traffic, others not so much. This year we are getting the field done mid-week and should have everything picked up out of the field before we get to the higher volume of weekend traffic.

Storm clouds looked as if we could have a thunderstorm Tuesday evening but as the sun set, the clouds lost much of their ominous power. Wednesday morning brought a cooling marine layer of clouds with threats of rain showers but only managed to release a few drops before breaking off to a pleasant day.

Thursday cleared off sunny and warm and we were able to finish picking up the bales in the middle of the field and bale the outside rounds. We completed picking up the last of those outside bales about 8pm. completing the harvest of this field for this season.

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One thought on “Thick And Thin Of The Field

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Congratulations on a “no-drama” hay harvest on this field. You didn’t talk about yield, but the picture of the windrows looks very promising.

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