In the Barn

Making A Debut

We knew the striped barn cat had her kittens a few weeks ago even though she kept showing up for mealtime. Her chubby little body had changed to being slender with a swaying  milk belly. I was pretty sure she had the kittens along the wall of the barn behind what was left of the stack of hay from last years harvest.

mother cat with two kittensAs I was moving the last dozen bales away from the wall to clean the area for our new harvest, the mama cat brought out her two kittens for a bite of lunch before moving the family to a safer spot. The two kittens have their eyes open and are moving around but not ready to start eating solid food yet.

The bigger of the two babies is striped just like the mama, the other is more calico colored like many of the other barn cats.

Our barn cats are friendly to a point, I get the opportunity to pet one now and again usually when they are eating, but they don’t make a habit with affection and considered feral. We don’t like to create too much human interference so that they can concentrate on their job of keeping the barns free of vermin.

We are looking forward to this newest batch of two to begin their chores.

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