In the BarnIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Rain Delay

hayfield after bales are picked upWhile we just barely got the small field harvested and the bales under cover before rain showers, we are still working on unloading and stacking those bales in the barns. The bales that were actually too damp to make good bales will get fed in the next couple of weeks to the bulls in the bull pen and to some of the heifers. We have to be really careful not to feed any bales that may have wet spots that create a mold growing environment. Pregnant cows are the most vulnerable because mold could cause the cow to abort her fetus. Some of the cows in the main herd had their babies at the end of last year or early in the spring and are late into their first trimester or already into their second.

Big Red BeastNow that we know that all the equipment is working after being stored all winter long, Mike is anxious to start a larger field. Mother Nature is working against that idea. Over the next week to ten days it looks like breaks of only two days at a time without rain in the forecast. We cannot take the chance of losing a field of beautiful grass to go to waste with rainy days.

So for now we are content to keep busy with other activities. Most of the fences are holding steady right now so I’m hoping I can get busy working up several cord of firewood so it can cure and dry during the warm summer months.

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2 thoughts on “Rain Delay

  • MaryJane Nordgren

    Your mornings before breakfast are filled beyond my entire day. Blessing to the whole family for your work and your compassion.

    • This comment coming from a lady that can toil for weeks and months (and years) to churn out mighty fine reading for us all!

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