In the Garden

Big Salad

It is always a treat to harvest new items from the garden. Several weeks ago the rhubarb was big enough and we made three pies, freezing all but one to savor right away.

While we have been enjoying loads of wintered-over kale for two months already, the garden has been slowly creeping toward daily bounty. The chives and green onions have been welcomed into our meals on occasion along with the wild-growing miners lettuce. The parsley and oregano have been supplying seasoning to many meals.

bowl of saladToday, I was able to make a full sized green salad with lettuce, radishes, kale and green onions. Then dipped into the freezer to sprinkle some ground filberts that were harvested two years ago from our trees. A simple oil and vinegar dressing with a hint of lime juice and we were set for a delicious dinner salad.

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