Beyond the FarmIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Nearly Rain

I can only describe it as nearly raining most of the last few days. The clouds are dreary and heavy with moisture. The air feels thick. The winds pick up now and again and it looks like rain is headed our way when looking out toward the Coast Range. But more often than not, we only get a few sprinkles instead of showers.

On and off we have had a couple of good bursts of rain (usually when I am outside trying to get the cattle fed, or driving up the county road in the open Gator). We have had the puddles fill up and then disappear over the next few hours. The moisture is good for the soil since it is not running off but it is not a good dousing that is needed to stave off fire season that is looming just around the corner.

Already in Southern Oregon, fires have been popping up and fire season is officially in effect. Oregon has curtailed prescribed burning that had been scheduled to lessen fuels in the woods that can cause much hotter and more devastating fires. Hot dry weather with plenty of dry fuel in the woods could make fire season more dangerous and costly throughout the state.

Our nearly rain, although is good in the short term is also making the foliage grow rapidly. The same foliage that is vibrant right now can dry out quickly once the weather breaks on no new moisture falls.

I’m looking forward to so a few less clouds along with a lot more sun, but I’m also hoping to see a little more rain between the weather systems.

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