In the Garden

Pretty Much So

Garden plot plantedIn between the rain showers and sunshiny days, we have gotten most of the garden planted. In addition to all the wintered-over kale we have been eating and giving away like crazy, all the cool weather crops such as peas, lettuce, radishes and beets are popping up in their rows.  By next week we will be able to harvest our own leaf lettuce with the first of the succession plantings ready cut.

The tires have been dug out from around the apple tree and are now protecting the cut potato wedges as the eyes are sprouting and forming their own hills. We have even dared to put out the tomato and pepper plants, now the hoping for no more frosts will begin in earnest. One night of 32 degree temperature could spoil all the hard work.

strawberry area of the gardenThe strawberry plants that I planted in the fall look about the same size as the plants I planted this spring. All of them are loaded with blooms and as long as I can keep the robins from stealing the berries as they ripen, we should have plenty to enjoy throughout the season. I’m still fighting with the buttercups that are trying to take over the garden area. So far the buttercups are winning.

A few more pepper plants that I started from seed will be ready to put out into the garden in a couple of weeks, but for now the garden is pretty much planted and hoeing will become a daily chore between any more showers that come.

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