CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Ear Tag Day

yellow ear tag in calfThe calves have been growing like crazy in the main herd and it was time to get some of the rambunctious youngsters ear tagged so we can start the process of learning who belongs to who.

We tagged eight calves with the oldest being over three months old now. He was actually the easiest of the bunch because his head was big enough to hold fast in the locked head gates (stanchions) right next to one of the big cows. The rest of the calves had to be sorted and moved into the far pen one at a time and herded into a squeeze corner for Mike to get the tags snapped into the left ear.

ear tag on calfBright yellow with bold black numbers make for easy identification. The procedure took only moments for each calf but the moving the critters around took much longer. It was a long morning but we got them done, the younger calves will be tagged in a month or more.

After the calves got their new jewelry. We walked the whole herd across the rabbit run in the field so they would have lots of fresh grass to graze in around the sixteen acre field.

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