CattleIn the Fields

A Polka Dotty Type Of Day

white polka dots on Black AngusIt has been a day of extremes. There have been incredibly bright sun breaks between squalls of whipping wind and driving rain. Spitting hail showers and calm patches too. The main herd across the river have been spotted hunkering in bunches under tall firs and around the base of the blossoming fruit trees in order to stay out of most of the weather.

When the grass is growing quickly this time of year, the cattle gorge themselves. They become as loose as a goose so to speak. We feed them hay once a day to keep their bowels firmed up, in an effort to keep them comfortable and healthy.

white spots of Black Angus calfWhen I was walking behind the herd to move them toward their dinner, I noticed their beautiful black coats were all spotted with white petals from the fruit trees. The wind squalls had scattered the petals off the trees and it looked like it was snowing at times. The herd looked positively polka dotted. With the rain that had their hides soaked, the petals stuck fast to their hides.

I think it is a good spring look for my polka dotted cows.

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One thought on “A Polka Dotty Type Of Day

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    They look like a special breed of Appaloosa cattle.

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