CattleIn the Fields

The Daily Bath With Love

young calf getting a lick bath from mother

The calves are growing like weeds. There is a lot of romping, jumping and running going on in the fields as the calves learn more about their surroundings. The bunch up in gangs looking for ways to entertain themselves as their mothers begin to give them their space and time separated from each other while still being a part of the main herd.

At this age the bulls and heifers cavort in loosely knit groups but before long the bull calves with stick with more predominately groups with more bulls leaving the heifers to make their own tribe. But the calves come back to their mothers several times during their play to reconnect, get a meal of milk, and hopefully a good licking bath before they take off again in search of new adventures.

angus calf with motherWe have the main herd moved back across the river to the far, far field but this time we have fenced the hay field perimeter and the herd is only allowed to graze in the small upper field, under the fir trees and around the outside of the twenty six acre field fence. We are hoping to harvest this field first since it is the most difficult to access, hardest to mow, and the field that dries out first once the warm June days bake the dirt.

The new calves learned early about electric fences and the temporary fence around the hayfield is keeping them and the rest of the herd a respectable distance away from the growing grass.

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2 thoughts on “The Daily Bath With Love

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    During lambing time when we raised sheep, it would look like the ewes would take turns being “auntie” watching over a bunch of lambs while the rest of the moms would take some time off. Critters sure know how to figure out the best way to take care of the little ones. The little ones just love life.

    • The cows take turn ‘babysitting’ several of the little ones so the moms can peacefully nap, eat or head to the spring for water.

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