In the FieldsIn the Woods

#35 Scooter and Vespa

We had been watching Scooter because she looked close to calving. During the morning feeding she was in the middle of the main herd eating like the rest of them. During the day, Mike noticed her moving away from the herd toward the spring at the far back end of the field. Scooter headed for water wouldn’t have seemed different from the many trips the cattle take either individually  or in groups heading for the water source, but the way she walked with an urgency and her tail slightly elevated gave clues that she was about to deliver.

Black Angus cow with newborn calfMoving away from the herd to give birth is common and especially smart during this time where our little trouble maker, KAOS the bull, has been picking on newborns. We avoided checking on Scooter for a couple of hours so we did not spook her too far uphill where it would be harder to help if need be. By the time we did go looking beginning at the last spot Mike saw her heading, we found Scooter and her newborn comfortable under some big fir trees beyond the spring. Scooter had found a safe spot from the bothersome KAOS and all the other critters of the herd.

Welcome to the farm SAF Vespa, born 3/27/2020 a sweet little heifer weighing in at 72 lbs.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.

2 thoughts on “#35 Scooter and Vespa

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    You caught the most beautiful image of mothering and new birth. The telling of the whole episode from farmer care to natural birth lifted my spirits this morning.

    • Awww, thank you!

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