Beyond the Farm

How Ya Doing?

I love having the opportunity to share farm life with my readers. This has been a chronicle of daily activities that lend a time frame to the weeks, months and decades of this working farm. I try not to do a lot of preaching although my soapbox does get dusted off now and again, I try to stay out of the political fields, and I try to share upbeat stories even when things are not so wonderful.

You may have noticed that I don’t spend a lot of time talking about the worldwide pandemic on this platform in fact I don’t believe I have mentioned it until now. I have been trying to keep this site as farm oriented as possible in the midst of the world changing. But something happened this week that I wanted to share.

At this time we are still delivering firewood bundles to the stores so those sequestered at their homes have that comfort but we have changed our delivery methods. Instead of 9am delivery we are now at the store well before they open (sometimes as early as 4am), we keep our distance from all night crew workers at the store, we only touch equipment after it has been sanitized as best we can, and do not let anyone help unload the pallets of bundled wood. But I do ask them how they are doing. They look tired, bone weary tired and their answers are mostly that they are hanging in there, just  barely. When I was delivering the other day, the concerned clerk asked me how I was doing. It rather surprised me, my life has not changed, much.

We are still delivering family packs of locker beef for our customers that want some on hand at home. The delivery hasn’t changed much except for the fact that we don’t come into our customers homes now. Many have opted to have the meat delivered into a cooler on the porch and they retrieve after we have left the area. And we no longer give hugs with each delivery for now.

On the farm, we are fairly well self-contained already even before all the mentions of social distancing started floating around. The farm does not stop when someone doesn’t feel well or has an injury. The cows still need to be fed, the fields still need to be worked, the forest still needs to be maintained. Our daily life has not changed much in the last couple of weeks aside from the fact that we do not go to meetings, or town or shopping or to visit friends.

The clerk’s question reminded me that one of the things that we are doing differently is trying to connect with those who we don’t see or hear from very often. I have been touching base with those social media friends, making phone calls, exchanging texts and waving more when neighbors drive by on the county road. So I am asking you, my dear readers, how are you doing? Leave me a comment, a personal message, a call, a text or send good vibes through via the collective consciousnesses, but check in with me.

And while you are at it how about checking on those who you haven’t heard from in a while, those who may be lonely or forgotten in all this craziness going on in the world.

Thank you so much for supporting our stories. We appreciate every reader we have and love it when you spread the word about SchmidlinAngusFarms, fill out the FOLLOW information so you get each story right to your email each day and/or leave comments about the stories. I would also like to take a moment to thank those who click on the icon to do shopping with the affiliate, (clicking on the affiliate icon does not make you purchase, only gets you the their site) and sometimes I get a small commission from your purchases if you do shop, without a cost to you! As always, Prime and special codes work with the icon and you do not have to purchase any item that I promote. Please consider using my link when you do your cyber shopping. Thank you for your support

I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.

2 thoughts on “How Ya Doing?

  • Linda Choat

    Hi Susan, we are doing well and staying safe. Stopped walking with the girls but my husband has tolerated me tagging along his short boring same old trail he always walk and I am so glad he does. It allows me to get out and breath the fresh air and see the beautiful country side I love dearly.
    Hoping this will all be over and life will get back to normal but for now it is definitely “Abbey”…
    Smiles and good health to you and yours! 😊💜

    • So glad you are well on the other side of the mountain. I love seeing the pics you post. They may seem boring to you but they are golden to me!

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