CattleIn the Fields

Temporarily Missing

I was out scouting along for a missing calf. The word missing is not exactly correct, the mother had found a good hiding spot for her new little one to rest while she went about with the main herd grazing in the field.

The area she had chosen to hide her baby was in the back of the 6 acre field beyond the brush of the power lines and into a wild area with thick tangles of vine maple, tall hemlock and fir trees, broken down, rotting alder trees and lots of vines of wickedly barbed blackberry. The cow knew that her baby was back there somewhere but didn’t seem to remember exactly where.

Mike and I tried to find the baby after we had fed the main herd out in the field. We walked through the tangles and over the fallen trees yet could not find the calf. We retrieved the mother from the herd and walked her down to the area where we thought the calf may be sleeping and the mother walked us around and around in circles without disturbing a calf.

It took a good twenty minutes of searching before the mother finally decided to bellow. The bellow woke the calf enough for the little one to give a small moo in reply and the mother went right to the spot where the calf was dozing. Mike, I and the mother had walked right by this spot several times but it was so well hidden in a little thicket that we missed it. (We were beginning to think she really didn’t want us to find her baby so she did not make a sound as we trailed behind her for such a long time).

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.


2 thoughts on “Temporarily Missing

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    The mother instinct must have finally surfaced for the bellowing to begin. Before that, it was reminding me of the story of the bird who built her nest with a hole in the bottom because she loved to lay eggs, but hated to raise children.

    • This was one of those times where we had to wait for the cow to decide if it was time to get her little one up from napping.

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