CattleIn the Fields

Twisty And Whip

While the main herd was in the far, far field we noticed a couple of the cows were close to calving. Since we were only making the drive up the county road twice a day for feedings we took extra care to make sure we were counting each animal and monitoring the ones that looked like they may deliver. These critters were all well seasoned cows and have not ever had any birthing issues so we felt confident to let nature take its course as long as we could keep track of the progress.

Black Angus cow with newborn
We moved Whip and Twisty away from the thicket to feed

It was a cold, frosty morning for feeding, we counted cows and #86 was missing from the herd along with one of the smaller calves. We noticed her on the outside of the field fence along with the missing calf by a large thicket. The calf was fussing around a newborn, this brutish calf was the same one that had been picking on the twins on the day they were born. He has decided to show the newborns who is boss of the field. We got the brute, aka KAOS away from the family. (an appropriate name if I ever heard one, but it was completely random that we had chosen that particular villain name from the cast of Get Smart!)

We shooed KAOS away from the newborn and #86 Twisty, then checked to make sure the baby was able to stand and nurse while the cow ate her breakfast of sweet hay. Sorry for the rude beginning, but welcome to the farm bull calf Whip, born 3/16/2020 and weighing in at 81 lbs.

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