CattleIn the Fields

#94 Plum And Valor

The day the guys headed out hunting and my sister came out to visit while we did chores, was the day that Plum finally decided to deliver her calf. Just the day before we were joking that if she ran through the field the calf would just plop out. A friend’s message sent to me stated she would be “Plum tuckered out” after delivery, perhaps this should have been the title today.

As we were heading across to feed the main herd along with the cow/calf pairs along with Plum in the nursery field we could see a pile of calf along the fence row. We fed hay to the cows and calves while saving a quarter bale for the new mother on the other side of the pasture.

Black Angus Cow with newborn calfPlum was very happy to see the hay and was busy munching when I checked on the baby. Just as Mike had predicted, he is a boy.

Welcome to the farm, SAF Valor, born on 2/1/2021 from sire Prowler. Valor weighed in at 82 lbs. and is a nice, solid calf.

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