CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

#7 Zepher And Tornado

Yesterday Mike took a good long look at cow #7. He pronounced that she was beginning to show signs of impending delivery and had been ‘springing out’ in the back end but her bag had not filled up yet so it looked like birthing was still several days away.

The timing seemed to work out with our plans of putting her into the nursery field with the other three pair of cow/calves when we moved the main herd into the barnyard for sorting. We had four calves that are now ready to be weaned and have had their green weaner nose clips in for several days, it was time to transfer them out of the main herd and over to my show barn along with Prowler the herd sire. We had just spent two days cleaning barn in prep for all the changes in placements.

Today, when we moved the main herd into the barn yard, we realized #7 was missing. We found her in the brush on the wrong side of the river from the barn and nursery field. She had a calf by her side.

We had to sort the main herd and load up Prowler and the four calves, transport them over the bridge, across the field, up the county road, up the driveway and over to my show barn before depositing them in their prospective pens. Once they were settled, we went back over to where #7 and her little one were resting.

Loading the baby into the back of the Gator was fairly easy. #7 is a gentle soul and allowed us messing with her newborn without getting upset. We fitted a small halter on the head of the baby so I could hold it from flopping around or getting up, then crawled on top of it to hold it place while Mike drove us to the correct side of the river. When we went over the bridge, #7 seemed confused and began pacing around the brush where she delivered her baby.

Mike deposited me and the newborn on the far side bank of the river, then began calling for #7 in his loud ‘come boss’ voice. She realized what we were doing and she came splashing across the river to get to her baby. When she was close, I removed the halter from the calf and walked the pair around the log landing and into the nursery field where the pair had a chance to get reacquainted.

Welcome to the farm,  bull calf SAF Tornado, born 1/20/2021 weighing in at 75 lbs.

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