CattleIn the Garden

Cat Cage

An upside down garden cart in the barn.My well used garden cart is upside down in the show barn. With its 4 tires facing skyward, it reminds me of a turtle that has been flipped on its back unable to right itself.

However, this cart is flipped for a good reason. It seems that the dogs have taken a fancy to sneaking out into the barn and stealing the cat food that we keep out there for the single purpose of keeping the mouse hunters where we need the rodent control.

This old garden cart does the trick. There is a handle on the front half with a cut out spot in the mesh, it is just big enough for a cat to squeak through but not big enough for the dogs. The cats do not hesitate to crawl right in and many times 4 can be trying to eat at the same time but it is really snug in the eating area.

Upside down garden cart is a cat santuary.The mesh on the bottom, that is now the top covering, makes it easy to pour a cup or two of kitty kibble through right into their food bowl without moving the structure.

With the late season garden coming on strong, this cat haven may just be reclaimed for fruit and vegetable duty.