CattleIn the Fields

#5 Segway And Vespa

We could have named this calf ‘None Too Soon’ since #5 Segway barely waited to be moved into the nursery field along with the rest of the main herd. Mike noticed her acting funny while we were making small repairs to the fence line. Segway had slowly walked away from the main herd, but when she saw us she turned around and meandered the other direction. She was not grazing or looking for food so we were not surprised that she was actually looking for a quiet corner to deliver her baby.

cow and calfIt was the morning after the move that we found Segway with her new calf by her side. The pair were hanging out along the far end of the big field along the fence line. The baby just been born, it was barely twelve hours earlier that we had moved all the critters together in the nursery field.

We fed the rest of the herd well up from the new family and while the rest were eating got close to determine that it is a healthy female. We gave Segway a good bunch of hay to munch on while the baby learned all the business about eating.

Welcome to the farm, Vespa, born 4/3/21. She is a good sized heifer weighing in at 78 lbs.

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