CattleIn the Fields

#5 Segway And Trike

When the main herd saw us working over by the barn they thought that it was time for them to move to a fresh pasture area. They were all bunched up by the gate and some of the bigger ones were craning their necks over the fence. There was a lot of bellowing going on so everyone was on alert to pending pasture changes.

Mike got on the Gator and went up the road to get around the herd. I stayed on the barn side of the river to open the Rabbit Run for the herd to traverse. I counted the critters as they filed through the gate, but the number seemed off. I followed the herd up the Run to the barnyard and locked them all securely inside and tried counting again. Still we were missing a critter.

Cow and Calf in tree settingMike went around the pasture the herd had just come from and checked where Crystal had birthed her baby less than two weeks earlier, but he didn’t see anything. He called across the river to have me do a head count one more time. I still came up one short.

Cow and Calf in the Rabbit RunMike went back around the field and checked the out of way spots before rechecking the old railroad grade. Sure enough Segway had her baby tucked in near an old snag. When she saw Mike she got her calf up and started moving around the pasture grounds to where the main herd had been less than an hour earlier. She coaxed her calf through the river and up the Rabbit Run to join the rest of the herd.

Welcome to the farm bull calf SAF Trike born 5/23/2020 and weighing 70 lbs.

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