CattleIn the Fields

#48 Ready For Duty

The young bull that we purchased in November has been spending his growing up time in the show barn with outside pen along with heifer #47. She has been his proving ground while he gained a couple months of learning about the birds and the bees.

#48 has successfully bred the heifer #47 and is now a year old so he is ready to get to work. Both #47 and #48 were loaded into the stock trailer and hauled across the road, over the bridge and into the cow/calf nursery field where Mike opened the door for them to disembark.

bull leaving stock trailer#48 was the first out of the trailer with a hop followed by heifer #48. Once on solid ground we expected them to run to the far back of the field where the cows and calves were hanging out. Instead the pair started scouting the fence lines to check out their new digs. Once satisfied that they had lots of running room, the pair high tailed it to the rest of the animals in residence. There were no cows in heat on this day so #48 will have time to get adjusted to new critters around him before he is put into herd sire duty.

We finally got his official paperwork the other day and now know his given name, the bloodlines, his registration number and all related data.

Time to get to work for our new herd sire, KC Sky High, AAA registration # 19841068. We should see his first calf arrive in about eight months.

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