CattleIn the Fields

#35 Scooter And Barbie

After moving #35 away from the main herd and into the nursery field just yesterday, she did not disappoint with a long drawn out pre-delivery and had her baby just before we got to the field for the morning meal.

black cow with new calfScooter had her baby all cleaned off and she was trying to nurse. This always amazes me with newborn calves. Just minutes after birth they are trying to stand up and within the hour are stumbling around on very shaky legs trying to find a squirt of milk. Every muscle is in use trying to keep the calf upright while the mother calmly allows the calf to bumble around. The calf may fall over and over with spectacular floppage only to try againĀ  to stand and find nourishment. With Barbie, she was able to find a teat and get enough strength to lay down in the soft turf for a well deserved nap while #35 ate her breakfast.

Welcome to the farm SAF Barbie, born 3/10/21. Barbie is a cute heifer weighing in at 79 lbs. #35 kept Barbie from the rest of the cow/calf pairs for the first two days but by the third day the new calf was cavorting right along with the other calves around the slabs of hay.

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