In the BarnIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Condensing The Decks

Tractor placing logs on a deckWhile we wait for the hay fields to get a little more mature, Mike has been busy with the tractor. He has been condensing a couple of the log decks that we have of logs that are too small to make into viable lengths for marketable logs and not long enough to be loaded onto a truck for pulp. These are the logs that I make into firewood for the bundles we sell through the Oregon Woodland Co-Op,

The logs were removed from the forest to lessen the amount of mass that would dry out and become fuel for a fire. We do this so that we do not have big slash piles that have to be burned.

Mike has been moving the last of the log deck that was near the back of the large hay field when the logging was done on the steep hillside last year. The deck has been sitting there through the winter because it had been too muddy to follow the skid road to the back and the area around the deck was a gooey mess.

Over the last couple of dry spells, he smoothed the road by back-blade-ing, that is running the dozer backward the length of the road all the way to the back of the field then turning around and pulling the dirt backwards a second time all the way to the front of the field to the area where I have the rest of my log decks.

The cattle appreciate the smooth road and walk this path to go to the spring and the grazing field behind the main field. I appreciate the road because by bringing the log deck forward the trips to the barn to split and stack the wood makes the process so much quicker.

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